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The Music Technology and Composition Program at New Mexico Highlands University is different. It’s a four year Bachelor of Arts program that will prepare you for a rewarding profession.
The Music Program at NMHU
is distinctive from scores of music departments, in the fact that we invite all students to attend, regardless of their level of prior experience in music. Our philosophy of open enrollment provides a distinctive opportunity to an underserved population of students who love music and embrace the opportunity to develop their potential as musicians through our innovative, yet grounded curriculum.
We have a familial atmosphere
which supports and nurtures music students from a variety of backgrounds. Although of diverse origins, our students share a common interest of becoming the finest musicians possible, and I am proud to have contributed to such a positive and supportive educational environment.

The Music Technology and Composition program
is a forward thinking Bachelor of Arts program that will leave you well prepared to compose, record, mix and master music. Access all the gear and software you need. Develop your skills. Play and record the music you want to make.
If there is a single achievement that I find most gratifying
it is that our curriculum design makes our Music Program accessible to students regardless of their musical background. No music auditions required to enter the Music Program at NMHU. Instead, students are required to complete seven credit hours of “audition courses” during their freshman year, making our program available to any student, regardless of their background in music. I believe that we are providing opportunities to students in unique and creative ways.
This is the Audio School for Musicians.
New Mexico Highlands University Music Program
Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) (four-year degree, with minor)
Concentration in Music Technology and Composition
63 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core + 17 cr. hrs. minor = 120 cr. hrs.
Concentration in Universal Music
58 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core + 22 cr. hrs. minor = 120 cr. hrs.
Concentration in Music Education
61 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core + 42-45 cr. hrs. minor = 143-146 cr. hrs.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music (BFA) (four-year degree, no minor)
Concentration in Music Production
80 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core + 0 cr. hrs. minor = 120 cr. hrs.
Concentration in Vocal Music Performance
80 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core + 0 cr. hrs. minor = 120 cr. hrs.
Associate of Arts in Music (AA) (two-year degree)
Concentration in Music Production
26 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core = 66 cr. hrs.
Concentration in General Music
24 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core = 64 cr. hrs.
Concentration in Musical Theater
24 cr. hrs. Music + 40 cr. hrs. NMHU core = 64 cr. hrs.
Apply now!
Contact me and I can help you with any questions you have about our exceptional Music Tech program. Or if you're ready to jump in, apply to NMHU now.
–Edward Harrington, musician, audio producer, professor of Music at NMHU
Let's work together
Have a project you need to record? What to edit something you already have? Hurt Mesa Music is the first one to call. Reach out today!
Hurt Mesa Music Production, LLC
352 CR B31A, Ribera, NM 87560
Phone: (575) 421-0246